Saturday 23 April 2011

Shibuya Express

This is directly behind the JR Shibuya train station, on the other side is the world famous Shibuya crossing. I didn't manage to get a good picture of the crossing, for some reason it didn't matter what setting I had my 5D on, the pictures did not turn out right. Cause I lugged my trusty Silks travel tripod around all day I was determined to get some sort of night shot in Shibuya, and this is what I came up with.. Enjoy!

Shinjuku stream

I took this from a traffic over bridge that was shaking outta control, its beyond my understanding how the image has actually turned out sharp and in focus. Taken in freezing conditions in downtown Shinjuku.

Lost in Tokyo

After a day in Akihabara and trying to make our way to Shibuya, we got lost along the way trying to find the worlds busiest crossing. We found it in the end, but along the found ourselves in alot of small little alley ways before we found it. This little Japanese bar caught my eye for a quick drink...


Colourfull strip in downtown Shinjuku. This section in particular is busy, at all hours of the morning.

The bikes of Harajuku

One of the hundreds of cool bikes I saw in Harajuku, Tokyo. They line the streets in all different colours, shapes, sizes and all of them mostly cool! Wish I could get half of them back home ;)

Glico Man


Traffic streaming through a main road in Akihabara.

Downtown Shinjuku

This is one of the main sections in Shinjuku that is open to all hours of the morning, this section is always busy with people. It is one of my favourite areas in Tokyo and really comes to alive at night when all the neon signs are on.